Thursday, February 14, 2013

11th Valentine 2013

This year is my 11th Valentine with my hubby…. But the 1st year to receive flower on this particular day. Every year he will say the flowers are triple price of the normal rate.. so its better not to waste money.. I agree with him Even though I still yearn for bouquet.
This year valentine with roses gives me lots of happiness..

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I had a great Pongal with my  family and friends. Feel so good to see my kids jumping around and dancing. First I got scolded from my Mother in law cause I didn’t apply for leave to celebrate pongal. But still she did all the necessary before I reach home after work in order for me to cook pongal. Very kind of her. 

After that we all make move to temple where our friends waiting… I consider this as my happiest pongal. And the first one in my new house…