Friday, April 30, 2010

Suicide is a permanent solution?

Is death the ending of our problem? If yes, I think everyone should be carrying poison in his or her bag. When a problem rises, drink it immediately to solve it.

I attended a funeral yesterday. i did not cry cause the girl have done the dumbest decision. She had a fight with her husband and he left her. The mother of course scolded her for keep thinking of him and torturing herself. Could not bare the sadness she send him SMS saying she still love him and the SMS will be the last one from her.

I’m confused if the action she took worth or not cause until the funeral end the husband did not turn up at all. Maybe she tried to show him she love him so much but the loosing side is still you. For that second she never thinks of her parents who have raised her. Shower her with all their love. And this is what she pay them in return. She is only 24 years old. She has lots of responsibility to do.

When I write this, I cry for those woman’s who are still being weak. Life is not easy especially when it involved love. I know. Death is not the solution to your problem.


MachanBro said...

Hi Puspa..

first time commenting here..
Well,talking about suicide that will be most stupidest move to do by any human.This kinda ppl first of all not deserved to be born in this world compare to babies born and die naturally before can have a life in this world..

~*. D E E P A .* ~ said...

i know .. so hard to keep your mind ok when hurt in love

Smiling Moon said...

Hi Machan.. thanks for commenting at my blog..

Deepa ... it's true deepa. Love do hurt alot but we must know to deal with it. I wish the gal could have done that. Now it's too late.

Bavani Mahen said...

There's always a solution for every problem. It was just the most ridiculous thing to do.