Aarthi and Ganesh’s wedding took place at the Guruvayoorappan Temple on October 23rd, 2009 amidst close family and friends. The reception for the newly wed couple was held on October 25th in Chennai in which several film stars, directors and producers participated. The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M Karunanidhi and Union Telecom Minister, A Raja also attended the wedding reception to greet the couple.
Aarthi,can be seen in many tamil films as comedy actress & Ganesh has been into films from his childhood days.Both of them have taken part in a reality dance show too as couple.Aarthi said that love blossomed between them only before 3 months & having getting the permission from their parents,the couple has decided to tie the knot.
They are a very cute couple. I wish the couple a very happy married life.