Thursday, November 27, 2008


I came across this news at NST 27TH November 2008…

43 year old Pujiono Cahyo Widayanto the head of an Islamic boarding school (Ponpes Miftahul Jannah) in Bedono, Jambu, Semarang, Central Java, in August 2008 informally married (nikah siri) Lutfiana Ulfa, 11 years and 10 months old, who had just begun studies at a local junior high school, but has now taken up wifely duties at home.
Any comment on the above
well, this one will freak u out more

He also intends to marry two other girls, aged 9 and 7. Of these latter two, Syech Puji says that neither has begun menstruating, so he will refrain from interfering with them, while Ulfa has already entered puberty.



Bavani Mahen said...

what were he thinking?????????????????????????????????????????

suba said...

instead adopting the kids, he marries them. ok. this guy sudah salah concept oooooo!!!!!
nasib baik tak nikah baby.